How to use SFTP (WinSCP)

WinSCP is a SFTP agent. This will tell you how to use it using SneakyHub.

SneakyHub has a 1000MB (1 gb) limit upload on the website. To bypass this, we're going to use something called SFTP.

Setting Up SFTP

We're going to be using WinSCP. WinSCP is a free SFTP client that works with SneakyHub, and it's probably one of the best in this case.

NOTE: This is a guide for Windows. Please see the Troubleshooting paragraph for other versions of OS

Let's download! Click this link and it'll take you to WinSCP's download center. Click the green Download WINSCP button, and a new download file will start ( Figure 1A )

After downloading, start the installation process. The first popup will show ( Figure 1B ), and you can choose if you'd like to install it to everyone, or just your account.

Download the normal version of WinSCP by following the instructions, or pressing Next to everything. After, you'll be presented with this screen ( Figure 1C ). If you were presented with this screen, you've successfully setup WinSCP client! If not, try restarting the installation.

Connecting to SFTP

After you pressed the Finish button, it will bring you to this screen ( Figure 2A ). This will show you the login page. You can ignore that for now.

Now, go to the SneakyHub Panel and sign in. Select the server you want to go into SFTP mode for, and press the Settings button in it ( Figure 2B ).

After, you'll be shown multiple screens. Don't mind any of them, except the SFTP Details one. Click the Launch SFTP button, and press Open if prompted by your browser.

When prompted, click Yes about the certificate. Now, you'll be prompted with this screen ( Figure 2C ).

Here, enter either your dashboard password or panel password, whichever works. After, you'll be successfully connected!

How to Use

On the left side, you'll see your files, and the right side is your SneakyHub panel. To upload, drag one item from the left to the right to upload to SneakyHub servers, or drag a file from the right to the left to download onto your computer.

To change folders on the left side of WinSCP, click the text on the top to go back to folders.


Q: What do I do if I'm on macOS? A: You can use FileZilla as a alternative of WinSCP for FileZilla. Though, you will need to manually fill out the SFTP Connection Host, Username, and password (which is your dashboard or panel password)

Q: What do I do if I'm on Linux? A: You can use FileZilla as a alternative of WinSCP for FileZilla. Though, you will need to manually fill out the SFTP Connection Host, Username, and password (which is your dashboard or panel password)

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