How to Earn Shards

Shards is a virtual currency type that can be used to power your servers, upgrade your servers, and renew your servers.

Code Drops

Economy commands are being used by our community every day; they use them because it is the easier way to earn shards by using the commands that is available. Some of the commands gives a higher number of shards which makes our community likes to use these commands every day. You may find the list of economy commands below:

sh!eco 2021
sh!eco 2022
sh!eco 2023
sh!eco beg
sh!eco work
sh!eco crime
sh!eco daily
sh!eco weekly
sh!eco monthly
sh!eco event
sh!eco lotto

Events or Giveaways

We regularly hosted a giveaway to ensure our community is alive and making sure we bring comfort to them by earning shards easier, sometimes we host giveaways with a random number of shards depending on how active our community is and sometimes we have a requirement for people to be eligible to participate on our giveaways.

Last updated

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